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Nurturing Traditions: An International Refereed Journal on Himalay

Bi-annual (Spring, Autumn)

ISSN : Applied For

Submission Guidelines


The research paper/article should not have been or should not be submitted elsewhere for publication.


The preferred format for your manuscript is Word. Research Articles should be organized as A4 documents, double-spaced and with sufficient side margins. All pages should be numbered sequentially.
-Language: Article must be written in English. Those must be clear, concise and grammatically correct.
-Font: Times New Roman or Arial (bold, underline or italics may be used where necessary)
-Font size: 12 Point
-Paragraph: Justified text

Research Articles should be no longer than 9000 words, including title, abstract, acknowledgement, notes, references and any appendices, such as tables and figures, etc. Submissions over the prescribed limit will be referred back to authors for reducing.


The headings must be shown as follows:
FIRST LEVEL HEADING (Title): All in capital letters, bold, centered and 16 point.
SECOND LEVEL HEADING (Sub-title): All in capital letters, bold, centered and 14 point.
THIRD LEVEL HEADING (Including Author’s name and contact details): First letter in capital and the rest in lower case, bold, centered and 12 point (for names) and 11 point regular (for author’s details).
FOURTH LEVEL HEADING First letter in capital and the rest in lower case, bold, italicized left and 12 point.

Research Articles submitted to the Journal must be divided into following sections:
• Title page, Abstract, Keywords
• Introduction, materials & methods/ methodology (if any), results and discussion
• List of abbreviations used(if any)
• Authors’ biographic information
• Acknowledgements
• Endnotes
• References
• Illustrations and figures (if any)
• Tables and captions

Title page
Title of the research article must be placed in the center of the first page in capitals (A running title not exceeding 45 characters)
Details of all authors’, their official affiliations, complete addresses and other contact information (including email and phone number) must be conveyed on a separate coversheet. The corresponding author should be indicated separately.

The research article should start with an italicized abstract of maximum 250 words, which should describe the main arguments and conclusions of the article.

Following the abstract, authors are required to give three to five keywords.

Give a brief introduction of the topic along with important reviews (national & international) followed by relevance of the topic.

Materials & Methods/ Methodology
This section should include study design, setting, type of respondents or materials involved, and a clear explanation of all interventions and comparisons, and type of analysis used.

Results and discussion
This section may be combined into a single section or presented separately.

List of abbreviations
If abbreviations are used in the text those should be defined in the text at first instance, and a complete list of abbreviations can be provided at the end.

Authors' biographic information
Provide relevant information about the author(s) that may help the reader's understanding of the article, and the standpoint of the author(s). This may include particulars of authors' qualifications, positions they hold at institutions or societies, or any other significant background information.

Artwork guidelines

High quality illustrations, photographs and graphical representations must be provided in an electronic format that helps in publishing of article in the best possible manner. Specifications for artwork are:
Format: JPEG (without any text).
Placement: Figures/charts and tables must be included in the main text instead of at placing them at the end of the document.
• Figures (JPEG) and other files can be submitted separately with a placeholder note in the running text
Resolution: At least 600 dpi (dots per inch). Line art should have a minimum resolution of 800 dpi.
• Diacritic marks should be avoided
Colour: Images provided in colour will be published in coloured online.
Fonts: The letters used in the artwork should not differ excessively in size and type.

Acknowledge anyone who contributed towards the article by making considerable assistances, or who was involved in drafting the article or reviewing it disparagingly for significant academic content, but who does not meet the criteria for authorship. Authors must also acknowledge the role of the funding agency, if any, in research.

Endnotes should be labeled within the text using a superscript lowercase letter and all notes (along with their corresponding letter) should be incorporated in the Endnotes section.

Periodicals (journals, magazines and newspapers)
Scholarly journal, found in print

Author, Name. “Article Title” Title of the Journal. Volume. Issue (Year): Page number(s). Print.
Selberg, T. (1995). Faith Healing and Miracles: Narratives about Folk Medicine. Journal of Folklore Research, (32) 1: 35 (1995): 255-60. Print.
In text: … faith healing and miracles (Selberg. 255-60)

Scholarly journal, from an online subscription database
Author, Name. “Article Title” Title of the Journal Volume. Issue (Year): Page number(s). Web.

Scholarly journal, more than three authors
Note: Use et al. for more than 3 authors. Or, you may give all of the authors in the order in which they appear.

Magazine published monthly
Murphy, Cullen. “Women and the Bible.” Atlantic Monthly. Aug. 1993: 39-45. Print.
In text: (Murphy 43-44).

Author, Name. “Article Title.” Newspaper Name. Day Mon. Year, edition [if given]: page(s). Print or Web.

Books and reference books
General form: Author, Name. Title of the Book. Place of publication: Publisher, year. Print

More than three authors
Note: Use et al. for more than 3 authors. Or, you may give all of the authors in the order in which they appear.

No author given “Report of the President’s Commission on Campus Unrest.” New York: Arno, 1970. Print.
In text: (“Report” 33). Note: provide the first word or two, enough to find in an alphabetic list.
Reference book article or entry
Smith, John. “Agriculture” Encyclopedia of Bioethics.Ed. Stephen G. Post.3rd ed. Vol. 1.New York: Macmillan, 2004. Print.
In text: (Smith 45-51).

Chapter in Book
Author, Name. Title of the Chapter. In Name of the book. Place of publication: Publisher, year. Print
Counihan, C.M. The Social and Cultural Uses of Food. In The Cambridge World History of Food, Kiple, K.F. and Ornelas, (Eds.), K.C. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (2000). Print

World Wide Web pages and documents
General form: Author, Name. “Title of Web Page or Document.” Title of Web Site. Publisher or sponsor of site (if none, use N. p.), Date of publication or update (if none, use n.d.). Web. Date accessed. <URL> (if needed).

TABLES (If any): Each table should be placed on a separate page, numbered and accompanied by a legend at the top. These should be referred to in the text as Table 1, etc. Avoid duplication between figures and tables.

FIGURES (If any): Figures and their legends should be grouped together at the end of the article before supporting information (if present). Figures should be referred to in the text as Fig. 1, Figs 1 & 2, etc. Photographic material should also be referred to as Figures.

SCIENTIFIC NAMES (If any): Give Latin names in full, together with the naming authority, at first mention in the main text. Subsequently, the genus name may be abbreviated, except at the beginning of a sentence. If there are many species, cite a Flora or check-list which may be consulted for authorities instead of listing them, in the text.

UNITS, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS (If any): Authors should use the International System of Units. Mathematical expressions should contain symbols not abbreviations. If the article contains many symbols, they should be defined as early in the text as possible, or within the materials and methods section. Probability values should be denoted as P.

Please attach to every submission a letter confirming that all authors have agreed to the submission and that the article is not currently being considered for publication by any other journal.